Our Services

Balboa Thrift and Loan's Services

Providing financial services to your community for over 35 Years


Posted rates subject to change without notice; call or visit the branch nearest you for additional information.                          

In order to prevent unauthorized access to your information we maintain security standards that conform with industry practices. Your account information can be accessed by calling our GOLDPhone (619) 397-5543 or toll free (800) 354-1160.

Personal & Business Deposit Rates          

Tiered Statement Account (Minimum deposit of $300)

Amount Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield*
$.01 to $1,999.99 0.15% 0.15%
$2,000.00 to $9,999.99 0.20% 0.20%
$10,000.00 to $24,999.99 0.30% 0.30%
$25,000.00 and over 0.40% 0.40%

Interest is compounded daily on tiered statement.

Jumbo Certificates of Deposit ($10,000.00 and over)

Duration Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield*
3 Months 4.40% 4.50%
6 Months 4.35% 4.45%
9 Months .35% .35%
12 Months 4.31% 4.40%
18 Months 4.07% 4.15%
24 Months 3.92% 4.00%
36 Months 3.44% 3.50%
48 Months 3.20% 3.25%
60 Months 2.96% 3.00%

Mini Money Maker Certificates of Deposit (From $2,000.00 to $9,999.99)

Duration Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield *
3 Months 4.40% 4.50%
6 Months 4.35% 4.45%
12 Months 4.31% 4.40%
18 Months 4.07% 4.15%
24 Months 3.92% 4.00%
36 Months 3.44% 3.50%

*Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) are effective as of 02/20/2025 and are subject to change without notice.

Interest on certificates is compounded daily if added back to the certificate. Interest paid by check or deposited to a tiered statement monthly is simple interest. Certificates automatically renew at maturity at the prevailing interest rate. There is a five (5) day grace period after the maturity date. Interest will not be earned after the maturity date. A substantial penalty for early withdrawal may be imposed. Services charges and fees will reduce the annual percentage rate yield.

Commercial Property Loans

Property Type Loan To Value Debt Service Coverage Rate Amortization/Term
Multi-Family Up to 75% 1.201 Prime+1 2 30/30
Comm./Retail Mixed Use Up to 75% 1.20 Prime+1 30/15
Commercial/Industrial Up to 65% 1.20 Prime+1-2 30/10
Land Up to 55% Prime+2 30/1-3
  1. Secondary loan repayment sources considered on all loan submissions
  2. Wall Street Journal Prime: Adjusts monthly Possible fixed term 2-5 years from 6.5% to 8% Call for details on specific property transaction
  3. 'A' Property condition Interest rates and fees may be increased or terms changed due to property condtions

Financing Rates/Terms

*varies on specific property type; all rates/terms subject to review

  • Property types: office, industrial, retail, mixed-use, medical, commercial condo, multi-family
  • Loan amount: $250,000 - $5,000,000+ (call for higher loan amount consideration)
  • Rates: competitive portfolio pricing / Terms: 5/10/15
  • Balboa lender fees:
    • Origination Fee: ½–1pt
    • Flood: $12.00
    • Tax Service: $59.00
    • Credit Report: $2.35–$4.25
  • Debt Service Coverage: minimum 1.20-1.25
  • Lender fees: typically 1% loan amount (negotiable)
  • Cash out available, entity ownership lending available  
  • No prepayment penalty / Amortized up to 30 years

Automobile Loans

Balboa Thrift and Loan has an enviable reputation in the automobile dealer industry.

Our management team has decades of experience in the financing of both new and used car buyers through a vast network of auto dealers in California. Balboa prides itself on both dealer and customer service. We continue to add new dealers into our auto loan service center and welcome your interest in becoming an approved dealership.

Service Charges - Schedule of Fees

Service Charges - Schedule of Fees
Early Withdrawal 90 days of interest
Excessive Withdrawal Fee $1.50 each in excess of 5
Savings Account Minimum Balance $2.50 per month if balance falls below $300 during a monthly cycle
Wire Transfer – Outgoing $25.00 each
Loan Payments Returned $15.00 each
Deposited Checks Returned $25.00 each
Account Research $25.00 per hour or partial hour
Stop Payments $25.00 each
Account Closed Within 180 Days of Opening $25.00 each

We may require not less than 7 days’ notice in writing before each withdrawal from an interest-bearing account other than a time deposit.

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For your convenience, we have provided links to web sites located worldwide throughout the Internet. Because we have no control over these sites or the information they provide, Balboa Thrift and Loan makes no guarantees over such sites and information, including as to: (i) the accuracy, currency, content, or quality of any such sites or information, or (ii) whether any link may locate unintended and objectionable content.